The National Women’s Law Center
How do get people to understand the reality of the gender wage gap?
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Show them the cumulative effect
In 2015, women still earned less money for doing the same jobs as men, in almost every field. For white women, that meant $0.78 to the dollar, for Black women, $0.63, and for Latina women, $0.58. To raise awareness about this issue, we partnered with Sara Silverman and the National Women’s Law Center to crowdfund the collective amount of money women currently in the workforce will lose to the wage gap over the course of their careers: $30 TRILLION.

“Sara Closes her Gap”
In our NWFW launch video, Sara gets a sex change, because by her logic, it’s the only way she’ll ever make as much money as a man. Please note: while this video is pure satire, trans people suffer their own wage gap, with cisgendered people making 32% more money in the same jobs.
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